Single Crochet Granny Square Pattern

single crochet granny square pattern

Crochet materials and tools:

<> Crochet hook 4 mm 

<> Caron, Simply Soft –100% acrylic.

Common abbreviations of crochet stitches (US):

ch – chain

SC – single crochet

sl st – slip stitch

st(s) – stich(es)

single crochet solid granny square

Single crochet solid granny square pattern:

Round 1:Form a magic ring and make 8 SC into the ring. Tighten the ring. No sl st at the end.

Round 2: 3 SC in 1st st (place stitch marker into the central SC), SC in next st, [3SC in next st, SC in next st] – repeat 3 times. SC in next st (in the beginning SC).

Round 3: 3 SC in next st with stitch marker (place stitch marker into the central SC again), SC in next 3 sts, [3SC in next st, SC in next 3 sts] – repeat 3 times. SC in next st (in the beginning SC).

Round 4: 3 SC in next st with stitch marker (place stitch marker into the central SC again), SC in next 5 sts, [3SC in next st, SC in next 5 sts] – repeat 3 times. SC in next st (in the beginning SC).

Round 5: 3 SC in next st with stitch marker (place stitch marker into the central SC again), SC in next 7 sts, [3SC in next st, SC in next 7 sts] – repeat 3 times. SC in next st (in the beginning SC).

Continue crocheting in the same manner until the square reaches the desired size. In the next round, there will be 9 sts between the corner stitches, then 11, 13, 15, and so on. Note that the fourth side of the square will always have one single crochet (SC) more between the corners than the other sides.

Finishing: Sl st to the central stitch with stitch marker. After completing the last stitch, cut the yarn, leaving a tail. Thread the yarn tail into a tapestry needle. After that, pull the yarn tail underneath both loops of the last stitch from front to back. Then, insert the yarn tail into the center of the last SC. Weave the yarn tail on the wrong side of the work to secure it. This technique creates a seamless finish, perfect for joining rounds or finishing off projects with a clean look.

two single crochet granny squares - one smaller and one bigger sized

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